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Automated Fiberglass Trimming 

Custom built automated cutter for trimming waste material from fiberglass products. It was designed to clamp the product and cut it safely and securely, it also has adjustability to allow…

Jigging fixtures

  A variety of clamping fixtures were CNC machined from nylon to allow for holding a range of extruded plastic parts securely for deburring operations.
Testing Unit

Testing Unit

We developed a testing unit which checks for wear of printed ink on plastic tubing. The unit is powered by a programmable pneumatic system and is made up of machined aluminium and…
Forming concept 001

Concept Design

A research and design project developed for a metal postioning and forming process to be incorporated into a production line. The concept was then built up into a CAD model.
Hurco VMX64t

Installation of Hurco VMX64t

We have a new Hurco VMX64t 3axis CNC Mill installed in our machining workshop. This gives us the capabilities for machining within the large bed size of 1625mm x 875mm,…
Plastic Hauloff Machine

Plastic Hauloff Machine

These custom built haul-off machine are designed for use in the plastic industry. Lay flat materials are hauled through from their original suppliers crate by the machine, passing through a series of rollers, and…